The upcoming residential urban estate in Mullanpur adjoining Chandigarh will offer plots at prices ranging between Rs 4 lakh and Rs 4.5 lakh per marla. Unlike Aerocity, wherein plots of all sizes ranging between 5 marla to 1 kanal were offered at the same Rs 3 lakh per marla, the allotment rates in Mullanpur urban estate will vary from size to size.
The allotment rates will be up by 33-50 per cent compared to Aerocity prices, the cash compensation for almost 420 acres of land acquired for Mohali’s third urban estate has been fixed at Rs 1.36 crore per acre over which the farmers are up in arms, citing it as the lowest ever award since 2008 when the land was acquired at Rs 1.5 crore per acre for the upcoming international airport at Mohali.
Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) all set to launch its second urban estate in Mullanpur (Mohali’s first urban estate in Sector 76-80 was launched by the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority in 2001), the only delay is the formal declaration of land compensation award, which has to be made by the state government.
With around 2,800 plots of different sizes being carved out in the first phase the of Mullanpur urban estate, the number of plots for the public will decrease in case more farmers opt for the LPS.
Part of the Dream Weave Walk Network 1998-2012