Punjab Information and Communication Technology Corporation (Infotech) today said it has slashed the reserve rate for auction of its commercial site by 25 per cent to Rs 45 crore to encourage real estate developers to participate in the auction. The move comes in the wake of poor response to the auction. Price has been reduced the reserve price for auction of site for commercial use from Rs 60 crore to Rs 45 crore. Earlier, Punjab Infotech had fixed Rs 60 crore as reserve price for auction of 1.52 acres of land which could be used for setting up shopping mall, retail complex, multiplex or hotel. Punjab Infotech has contiguous piece of land located in the heat of Mohali city which has accessibility to airport and railway station. It has allowed built up area of 198,634 square feet which is enough to accommodate hotel, multiplex and recreation centres.
Part of the Dream Weave Walk Network 1998-2012